Stirring pumps

Our submersible agitation pumps for pumping clean or dirty water (sand or mud). They are often used for the following fields of application: drainage of basements, lowering of the water table, keeping construction sites or wells dry, service water supply, use on ships, emergency use in case of flooding.

For more information, we invite you to contact the sales department available from 8 a.m. to 17 p.m. (local time in France).

Good to READ

A submersible agitator pump moves liquids, often viscous or containing suspended solids. The pump will force water out which will make the sand or mud more liquid in order to pump the water properly. Here is a diagram showing where the agitator is located.

Schematic of a submersible agitation pump


A selection of pumps adapted to your specific needs

Fire safety

Large range of firefighting and flood fighting motor pumps. Pumps can be skid-mounted, portable, or trailer-mounted

Marine - Sea water

Range of motor pumps resistant to sea water. Can be used for security services on ships and oil ports, commercial ports

Industrial building

Fire pumps are usually approved by a certification body and are powered by an electric or diesel engine or sometimes by a steam turbine.

Flood Construction site

Pumps used for lifting wastewater, evacuating loaded and muddy water, drying or irrigating.

Civil security

Motor pumps used during flooding to collect or drain water

Home Security

Motor pumps and a swimming pool to fight fires, as well as our range of cellar pumps intended for the evacuation of rainwater and clear water!