Low pressure fire kits

Low pressure fire kits with tank

The fire-fighting modules equipped with low-pressure motor pumps are intended to be installed on trailers or other vehicles.
Custom made in Italy.


Tank from 100 to 2500 liters
Available shapes: L / T / C
Petrol or diesel motor pumps
Powered or unpowered reel
Complete kit with variable flow fire hoses

Further information

Weight 250 kg



Categories: Business applications: ,

Ready-to-install kits consist of:

  • Tank from 100 to 2500 liters in Fiberglass construction C/L/T shaped.
  • Petrol or diesel fire pump
  • 1 or 2 manual or electric hose reels up to 100m of hose – powered or not
  • EUROJET235 variable flow lance with optional foam tip
  • Optional foam proportioner
  • Chassis receiving all these elements with collector

We can also provide the trailer. For more information, please feel free to contact us.

With the GRP tank, the weight is lower than those built with another material (stainless steel) by approximately 50%, thus allowing a reduced load, or at equal weight, to increase the water capacity on the vehicle. the mixture of fiberglass fabric and resin, guaranteed with current technology a better solidity compared to other materials, and is easier to repair in the event of an accident (the same technology is used for racing cars, regatta boats and airplanes).

The resins used are FR type, self-extinguishing, according to the standards:

  • DIN 53438 Teil 3 - Classification F 1/37 m / m
  • FIAT 50433 - Classification INFLAMMABLE
  • FIAT 50433/01 - Classification NOT INCANDESCENT IN FLAME

All of these events offer an exceptional opportunity for young international arbitration practitioners to debate with eminent specialists in a friendly and open format and setting. kits are completely autonomous sets, ready to go.

Detailed description of the complete module:

  • tube too full pointing down
  • Ø3 45-way valve with UNI 804 brass fitting for tank suction or external suction
  • level by communicating vase
  • manhole Ø330
  • manual accelerator
  • start and stop key
  • second discharge outlet with quick coupling
  • discharge valve for the main reel and for the second outlet
  • operating lever, stop and pressure regulation
  • pressure regulating valve
  • pressure gauge
  • drain valve - use and maintenance booklet.


A selection of pumps adapted to your specific needs

Fire safety

Large range of firefighting and flood fighting motor pumps. Pumps can be skid-mounted, portable, or trailer-mounted

Marine - Sea water

Range of motor pumps resistant to sea water. Can be used for security services on ships and oil ports, commercial ports

Industrial building

Fire pumps are usually approved by a certification body and are powered by an electric or diesel engine or sometimes by a steam turbine.

Flood Construction site

Pumps used for lifting wastewater, evacuating loaded and muddy water, drying or irrigating.

Civil security

Motor pumps used during flooding to collect or drain water

Home Security

Motor pumps and a swimming pool to fight fires, as well as our range of cellar pumps intended for the evacuation of rainwater and clear water!